
The Freaking Exception (?)

After reading the email this morning, it occurred to me that I may have forgotten something important last week. It wasn’t my wife’s birthday, remembered that. Thanksgiving? Who could forget it. Black Friday? My coffee at uptown PJ’s only cost an arm and half a leg in celebration of Black …

Delayed Mountain Time

Apologies for the delay but from way back on Friday at Wolfpack Mountain: Pax took off from the North end of Audubon Park at 0530 headed west along St Charles wrapping back around and ending up at the great circle courtyard for quick warmup: – Sidestradlehops; Self Love; Imperial Walkers; …

Ants on the Mountain????

It’s another crisp, cool Friday morning.  The PAX are ready for the Mountain what to do?  Hmmm…we shall see.  With a disclaimer, let’s mosey! Mosey to under the mountain for warm-up all in cadence: IW’s Self-Love Grass Grabbers (Cement Grabbers) Self-Love Toy Soldiers Open-Gates Count off by 1 and 2 …

Sunday Funday

Nov 3 2019 Once again the Renaissance crew gathered in the gloom. T-claps to Heisenberg who first appeared as a small dot at the entrance to the park, having rucked for an hour before the meet. Our small but dedicated group circled up and got to it. WARM UP – …

9/11 Stair Climb #2

The first known 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event occurred on September 11, 2003 during “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Albuquerque Fire Department Lieutenant Charles Cogburn scaled a two story building 55 times wearing body armor, a helmet and an M-4.  Lt Cogburn returned home and on the following September 11th (2004) the climb was …


I have been to many F3 workouts over the past 21 months, all of which have been great in their own way. But this time I was hoping to do something a little different. At a sales meeting earlier this year, my company had an 80’s themed party that my …