Care Bear
Care Bear

Hurt Locker – from Akbar

You’ll know it when you’re in it. Google definition: to physically mess someone up, badly. AKA a world of pain. Unlike the movie – we weren’t disarming bombs in the heat of combat, recklessly plunging men into a deadly game of urban combat, didn’t have to control a wild leader, …

The MURPH – from Jose10k

It was simple: 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and 2 miles. We had split off into different groups of different levels, but in the end it was 14 of my F3 brothers completing the Murph this morning. COT, Hammer prayed us out with special intentions for TruCoats friend and …

Fall Back – from Steve

Talk about a dark warmorama. About the only definable figure I could make out was, well nobody, really, since Shooter wasn’t there. Of course I knew Jose was present from the early morning grumbling, but the rest of the crew were shrouded in mystery. Given such circumstances, YHC delivered a …

F3 Justice – from Kuch

F3 Regional Court – View District In the View District Court of F3 New Orleans ————————————————————– F3 Nola, Petitioner, v. Jeffrey “Kuch” Green Respondent ———————————————————- Kenner (America’s City), USA Friday, Oct. 29th, 2021 APPEARANCES: The Honorable Boudreaux T. Hawgcycle, III, Pontiff, F3 NOLA; on behalf of the Petitioner. Fracsac, The …

34 year Old Virgin

Last Thursday at Okwata Rudy being Rudy suggested I sign up to Q.  At first, I said to myself “not going to happen” then over the course of the day I decided to look up the Q sheet just to see when the next Q spot was open- thinking it …