
F3 Thursday, Take 1

There we were, gathered in the 73 degree gloom, preparing for pedo-strata combat like a small band of wearily tremulous skirmishers, ready to embark on Part 1 of, what would be for some, a 2-part F3 kind of day. The insights were keen, though the conversations garrulous as, with the …

Can You Feel The LOVE?

We were all FNGs once…BUT….IF….you’ve been an F3 Northshore FNG recently, making your first post at the most logical AO, the Mandeville Lakefront, you’ve experienced some extreme H8 from on-Q-high.  Of course, I would never mention any Qs by name…but a few nicknames come to mind: Turbo (extreme H8), Maverick (he called it “a …

Revived Milestone Marsh

Well after cleaning court, the pax started to roll in excited to see four of my F3 brothers come for the Beatdown. warm ups 25 side straddle hops 25 toe touches 25 Imperial walkers 25 mountain climbers The Thang Head over to some soft ground. 50/35/15 = 100 three sets …

Mandeville Zoo

It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done. -Nelson Mandella It was this sentiment that was permeating the air like vapors of a scent distinctly from times gone by, whilst I was pondering the unlimited possibilities for Saturday at the Lakefront. It had YHC reminiscing about slightly less than a year …