

With no World Cup Soccer themes or any other ideas for a “LOVE FEST Beatdown” dancing in my mind, YHC figured it would be a good time to work off some of those holiday calories that invariably crop up at this time of year.  So, with a big crowd (T-Claps guys) on the day …

Run and Remember

-“A thousand tragedies a day, but the one’s that hit home are the most real.” I heard about Lexington, SC FiA’s Diane “Digits” Wells’ unfortunate and untimely death Tuesday morning while she was doing something we City Hall Scramblers take for granted…running. She left behind a husband and 3 small …

Is that the Salvation Army?

With it being just over two weeks before Christmas, bells could be heard along the lakefront in Mandeville on a cold and dreary Saturday morning. Could it be the salvation army ringing their bells to get donations from the dedicated runners on the Lakefront? No sir, it is a bunch …

What’s My Name?!?!

This back blast is going to be short and sweet since I am off to train for the Nightmare Before Christmas beatdown 12/16 at the lakefront!  It was a little cold so we just started with 50 SSH in cadence to warm everyone up. We followed that with some windmills …

Pulling a RIngo

New F3 term: Pulling a Ringo = a new member of the pax that completes 10 consecutive beatdowns. Welcome aboard Ringo glad to have ya! The thang: Warm up: Mt climbers, merkins, scorpion kicks x 10-20 IC Fwd, retro, and lateral lunges x 8 3.1 mile mosey regular course; pax …

Turbo Charged

Many thanks to Turbo Tax for rallying the PAX to post this morning for a soggy beatdown at Grandmas House. YHC was grateful and honored to see some old friends and meet some new ones.  Anyway – to the beatdown – the good Lord brought the rain, but spared us …

This Looks Familiar

Ideal weather conditions for a Saturday morning beatdown at the Lakefront. YHC was looking to repeat the soreness experienced after Turbo’s Cinder Block beatdown the Saturday before.  Pre-thang warmorama 11 x Toe Touches                            16 x Scorpions 12 x Smurf Jacks                            17 x Monkey Humpers 13 x Twist & Pivot                         18 …

Doracidal Tendencies

The day to tackle the one remaining AO I had never Q’d was upon me. QIC felt the strong  need to conquer The Gipper in a most unforgettable manner, though only the astoundingly hardcore Wednesday PAX could tell you whether or not my mission was indeed accomplished. I consider it …