Brown Bag
Brown Bag

New Challenge – The 69ers

Few uptowners traveled the 2 miles outside of their home radius. Therefore, most never had the chance to experience the H8 on the other side of the world. F3 Nola even designed a mudgear shirt with an “H8” logo on the back. Uptown deserves to have its own challenge called …

7 of Diamonds

19 spritely souls swam through the sea of soul-sucking humidity to stare an unfamiliar beat down straight in its sly, sweat-provoking face. Welcoming of PAX, giving of disclaimer, leaving of flag. Warm Up: Mosey to field in front of Zoo Side Straddle Hop x 30 Peter Parker x 25 Low …

My cadence is pure

I missed F3 last week while I was out of town – in Puerto Rico. I enjoyed the break but F3 buckteeth worked me pretty hard in the Isla de Encanto. Saw Tube Steak first thing and I offered him a high five and he gave me knuckles – so …

Here comes the sun…

Ah yes, summer is almost here?  Ok it’s here.  As YHC walked up to the AO this morning, YHC wondered how his planned beatdown would go with the warm, sticky morning that the PAX were met with.  More on that later…With an introduction and disclaimer the PAX were off. Mosey …

Ren & Stimpy

As it is Tuesday, the book of Revit says Burpees are acceptable, however, still unpleasant, so we began with 10 OYO. Mosey uptown to the parks edge looping back to Tulane and Gibson Quad for a warm-up circle. Circle 1: SSH x 20, Arm Circles Forward & Reverse, Peter Parkers*x10 …

Call to the Post

Growing up in the Bluegrass state, the first Saturday in May was always a holy day of obligation for YHC. Now in New Orleans with Jazzfest, my faith has evolved. But today the PAX indulged YHC in some Kentucky Derby minutiae. WARM UP – Slow mosey to WWI Memorial and …

We have 23ish…

23 PAX posted at WPM for ILoveYouMan’s VQ. After a quick introduction and disclaimer we were off with a quick run down St Charles and back to TD Jesus. WARM-O-RAMA 20 x Grass Grabbers, 20 x Self Love, 15 x Windmills, 25 x SSH, 20 x Mt Climbers, 20 x …