Brown Bag
Brown Bag

With a little help from my friends

Mosey to the bandstand:Warm up. IC20x SSH’s20x windmills20x hillbillies20x mountain climbers The thang: Mosey to the light poles BLIMPSBurpeesLungesImperial walkersMerkinsPlank jacksSquatsInitially did 3x rinse and repeat with a little resistance from the group and added another round on for good measure I Love You Man helped with some FreddieMercs while …

Slogging with the Best

PAX think that YHC doesn’t like to mosey.  Well, they’re mostly right, because it sux.  Anyway, you gotta keep the PAX on their game.  So JV-style (not too extreme, nothing Mariah- or Bieber-like), today’s wet and soggy Birdcage includes moseying.  I mean it’s wet out there; might as well enjoy …


5:25 and there was some light rumbling in the distance and a few drops of rain, but not enough to audible or change the plan of attack… at 5:30 a half-assed disclaimer was given and 13 of us were off, picking up a few stragglers and a loose pit bull …

The Summer Packet of Backblasts

Much like my kids summer work for school some things are just hard to get done and 1/2-assed when they do get done. Apologies to school teachers and thorough backblast authors. Warm-up: Not really sure anymore. Combination of jacks and maybe grass grabbers. Warm up 2.0: Jog-sprint combo through the …

Cool Front in July???

19 strong PAX showed up on Wednesday morning with a surprise. At 75 degrees with low humidity in the middle of a brutal summer, meteorologists called it a cool front. PAX will take whatever weather Sky Q gives them. Reluctant Yankee showed up late, but he eventually found the PAX …

Hello Ladies

“You guys make me so happy” – lady in the park “So many men and so little time” – lady at PJs “Go to the monkey bar, that’s where she stops….I’d pay to have her body slam me.” – Angie’s List urban dictionary – hello ladies what u say when …

New Challenge – The 69ers

Few uptowners traveled the 2 miles outside of their home radius. Therefore, most never had the chance to experience the H8 on the other side of the world. F3 Nola even designed a mudgear shirt with an “H8” logo on the back. Uptown deserves to have its own challenge called …