Brown Bag
Squeaker at The Skinny – from MacGyver
18 PAX and YHC turned up for a brisk morning at the Skinny, disclaimer was raised then we promptly moseyed over to the field across the street for a warm up – Side straddle hops-30 Abe vigotas slow-10 Imperial walkers -15 Peter Parker’s-15 Parker peters -15 LBC’s-20 Flutter kicks-25 After …
Brickathon – from Rudy
Loaded up the Mini with enough bricks for the expected Wolfpack Mountain crowd. Had to dig up a few extra pavers from the driveway just to make sure (and had to replace them quickly before the M saw them missing…). 530 rolls around – so lets get started. Circle up …
Crazy 8’s – with a detour – from Reluctant Yankee
A cold and damp gloom for a beatdown. I had the Q for a wet one ….ran to the Field across from the ZOO. Then we did a COP warmup SSH x 20, Imp Walkers x 10, Imp Walker Squats x 10, Hillbillies x 20 then Mtn Climbers x 20 …
B.O.M.B.S. Away at the Birdcage! – from Gabrielle
Happy New Year’s Pax! It’s humbling for YHC to be Q’ing the first Birdcage of 2022. Here’s to 2022 being better than 2021 (it’s gotta be right?). So, with a disclaimer and a quick run-down of our 5 core principles and motto for our FNG we are off! Moseyed to …
Gettin Sweaty after Christmas – from Triple Shift
The issue with writing a backblast a week after it happens is that you forget almost everything that happens…sigh! Well, King Kong strong armed me into this Q and I am glad I had the opportunity to lead 15 other PAX members for a glorious after Christmas beatdown. DISCLAIMER AND …
MISTLETOE, part deux (F3 traditional arr. By Sandbar, at a Caroling Pace) – from Sandbar
Pax were forewarned that by the end of the beatdown, they would be the jolliest bunch of a-holes this side of the nut house. Mosey down St. Charles and back to Loyola. Warmups in front of the crèche. SSH, grassgrabbers, windmills. PAX divided into 4 groups, each had to select …
MISTLETOE #1, with coupons – from Sandbar
Disclaimer followed by a quick mosey around the parking lot. PAX picked up bricks from YHC’s truck. 2.0s mad about having to load the truck with bricks. Builds character though. Cusack walk (bricks held overhead, as if it was an 80s boombox) to Oak Alley for SSH IC to warmup, …
MISTLETOE #1, with coupons – from Sandbar
Disclaimer followed by a quick mosey around the parking lot. PAX picked up bricks from YHC’s truck. 2.0s mad about having to load the truck with bricks. Builds character though. Cusack walk (bricks held overhead, as if it was an 80s boombox) to Oak Alley for SSH IC to warmup, …
F3 NOLA Convergence 2021 (a.k.a.”Crew Change”) – Mothership 2021-10-16 – from Reluctant Yankee
A fine morning, with a change in the weather providing a fitting backdrop for the changing of the guard on the F3 New Orleans Leadership Team. Kicked off at the flag zone with naming of the F3 NOLA Rookie of the Year and F3 NOLA Man of the Year. These …