Boo Boo
Boo Boo

The 300….almost

12 pax arrived for a humid morning at Rock City. Started with the standard disclaimer and an Indian run to parking opposite end of Pontiff. warmup Arm circles x 15 each arm shoulder taps x 20 Ricky balboa in squat position x 20 Hillbillies x 15 Self love x 15 …

“This isn’t The Stomp!”

YHC arrived early for round two of the Wally Run. This week seven men arrived early to stretch and begin the run. YHC announced we would complete a three-mile loop through the neighborhood and finish with some work on the track. The seven fearless Pax members started off down the …

Rockless City

On Saturday, YHC discovered that the Q Sheet for Rock City was mysteriously blank for the upcoming beatdown. Knowing that these opportunities do not occur often. YHC jumped at an opportunity to lead his home AO. Since the end of IPC, coupons have been the preferred weight of choice for …

A walk in the park

10 pax including an FNG arrived for a post iron pax beatdown that had hints of IP worked in, but for this hardened group, would be nothing short of a walk in the park.  This was YHC’s first opportunity to not only Q at Popeyes, but also do a standard non- …

Iron PAX Prelude

YHC had plans for his 52nd birthday Q at Rock City (hint: what other workout option includes the number 52?). But Sunday night, Hawg posted the Iron PAX Prelude. And Tanner jumped in immediately – “Hey Rudy, lets do this!” So what option did I have? The belated 52-birthday-Q will …

Popeyes Preseason

8 men came out in the gloom and suffocating humidity to Popeyes on Wednesday, August 28th at 5:30am to try their hand at the IronPax Preseason challenge. YHC started with the basic disclaimer at 5:29am and led the pax in a 400 meter warmup mosey to establish the lap for …