Boo Boo
Boo Boo

Here, We Run!

Since the Wally Run started, we have had a consistent number of individuals show up each week. Today, seven men appeared in the gloom. Rudy and Tool, two first-timers at the Wally Run, appeared with one question, “So, what do we usually do here?” The answer is simple, “Here, we …

3 Turkeys

Three brave souls agreed to show up for the Wally Run Thanksgiving morning. Two of the three showed on time, who will remain nameless to protect Hobbs’s integrity, and set off on the traditional Wally Run route. The third showed up late, but was a man of his word and …

Rinse and Repeat at the Foundry

Made the standard introduction and disclaimer. Mosey to “second set” of trees.  Circled-up to Warm-up which consisted of:  Monkey humpersGrass grabbers arm circles  Self love Imperial  walkers Moseyed to first tree of the “second set” and lined up tree to tree.  Bear crawled to each tree of the “second set” – performed 5 …

Rev Sox’s Birth Story

On a brisk and windy November 11th, at the lake front on the Northshore YHC was birthed into the world of F3 kicking, complaining, and crying. It wasn’t pretty for anyone involved. Hawg may have denied knowing YHC. Two years later, at the 610 Stomp YHC led 20 men in …

11 11 11 and Saban what?

Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, known as Armistice Day. It had been a few weeks (50+) since I had last Q’d a workout …