Hawg’s Birthday – from Charmin
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
All came out to celebrate Hawg. Some Ran, Some Rucked, others just showed up. All had a good time. +1
As per usual, the Runners came and killed their workout from Coach Gregg. YHC did a nieghborhood lap that felt faster than normal. It may have been the cooler air. Here’s to hoping that the weather get’s even cooler! +1
As usual, YHC arrived to find the runners there early and even a few KnOTters. By the time 5:30 arrived, Boo-Boo was there to ruck, in addition to bringing news that Bolt would be arriving shortly. After going around the track and finding all the gates locked, we met with …
KB and YHC pulled up at a little before 5:20 to see a herd of runners running away from the proverbial flag and all of their cars taking up valuable parking space. The days of a Lakeview Clown Car were apparently over. With just KB, Vagabond, and YHC at the …
You cannot ignore the H8! We tried. There was no H8! in April. Honestly, I forgot all about it. I guess I tried to push the H8! way down deep, but it never went away. The last few months have shown me that the H8! is always there. I can’t …
Re-enactment of the first ever official F3 Nola workout The Thang: Gandalf’s Q (played by Hawgcycle) Mosey to a space near the football field, backwards run, side-shuffle left, side-shuffle right Circle of Pain (COP): Side-Straddle Hops in cadence x15 Merkins in cadence x12 Imperial Walkers in cadence x15 Mountain Climbers …
They Runners said that they were taking a book from Scantron’s Knotting experience; they figured if he could walk backwards and have it count for the beatdown, that surely they could take babysteps around Pontiff for 40 minutes and have it count as well. Meanwhile YHC rucked the normal route …
In an effort to once again lead the Pontiff Pax in number of written BackBlasts, YHC posted in the gloom this morning. Thankfully, 9 other runners decided to do the same and hence Charmin and the Runners was formed. YHC Rucked and the Runners ran. Rudy needed a personal invitation …
YHC has been less than consistent in attending F3, as is obvious to all, and is subject to criticism for FartSacking and having the audacity to attend coffee or book studies without earning his attendance priviledges. Nonetheless, Catfish asked me one Saturday or Sunday about a month prior if I …
13 PAX at the stomp, expecting a traditional out-and-back in the late summer humidity. But if they had checked the schedule, they would have seen “800s” in the description. Kuch spoke for the PAX when he whined “can’t we just run on Marconi?” No, said YHC. And as the watch …