
Surge’s B-Day Q

YHC turned 51 and wanted to celebrate F3 style. Okwata provided a beautiful sunrise and a light breeze. First, DISCLAIMER and then Mosey to the Center of the Universe for the warm-up: SSHx51, Abe Vigoda x10, Sun Gods 10f/10b, Peter Parker x20, Parker Peter x20, Imperial Walker x20, Concrete Grabbers …

Strength in Repetition

My first attempt at a MuscleShip beatdown was today and a bit out my comfort zone. This is given the effort of not incorporating running (which I love so much). But we did, and needless to say this eventually adds up to a number of repetitions and exercises and counting…. …

The 4th F is for “Fun”

The early moring parade goers in Mid-City were treated to some sweet F3 eye candy on Saturday for the 4th annual Mardi Gras Mambo aka Endymion Run.  Our krewe consited of 22 PAX eager to start the day off right and get in the carnival spirit.  YHC had stewed on …

Just Being HIMs

It’s a start of a new year.  So just get at it.  A PAX of eight on this blustery morning, waves crashing onto the promenade.  After a brief disclaimer and a mosey around the fountain and across the street, The Thang: Warm Up: SSHs 25xIC Low Slow Squats 25xIC Merkins …

Hokie Pokey does ABC’s

With Run Ranger Run in full effect, and with the split of the Mother Ship Saturday workout into two Pax’s, Hokie Pokey thought it would be good to get some running in between exercises. Warm up started with a run to the railroad tracks and back with folks circling back …

That Was Super

Run Ranger Run crunch time ensured that we had a healthy number of Stompers on Tuesday. In order to maximize our time, we ran the traditional route down the bayou, 22:30 out, then turned around and came back. The only rule was that you must have a negative split. We …

Backblast – 2019-02-16

Another day aboard the Mothership. 23 PAX total. Attendees: Catfish, Highrise, Gabrielle, King Kong, Jesus Juice, Screw Top, Fracsac, Care Bear, Brown Eye, Organ Grinder, Tubbs, Angie’s List, Flipper, Rudy, Two Yutes, Dewey, Bongo, Mudbug. We had three FNGs. Welcome Scrapple, Da Crane, and Sunny D! Started the workout with …

610 Stomp with 11 PAX

The mumble chatter started the night before with the PAX anticipating a rainy run on this Tuesday morning.  The weather forecast indicated a nearly 80% chance for rain. Well the weather advisors are sometimes wrong, right? So 11 committed PAX met at the Stomp for 5:30 ready to log some …