
Meh – from Tinkles

It started out well, got bogged down in the middle, and finished ok. I blame the train and the wind but really was probably poor directions for the modified 11’s at the levee. It’s too complicated to explain here which means it probably won’t work in the gloom! If you …

Brickathon – from Rudy

Loaded up the Mini with enough bricks for the expected Wolfpack Mountain crowd. Had to dig up a few extra pavers from the driveway just to make sure (and had to replace them quickly before the M saw them missing…). 530 rolls around – so lets get started. Circle up …

No Cancel Q! – from Sea Man

Dropping temperatures buoyed our spirits as sixteen men of steel, 2 without sleeves posted in the first New Year’s freeze. All eager to show their metal, so much so Tinkles tried to steal my Q! Using some derogatory words, that I was feeble, gimpish, and have chronic halitosis, all of …