
Not F’ing Around

Seven PAX showed up to arguably the “toughest workout in town”. After a brief disclaimer we mosyed to the Tulane ring of power for the warm up: SSH x20, IW x20, arm circles forward x10, backwards x10, Chinooks clockwise x10, counterclockwise x10, Seal Jacks x20 & Hillbillies x20 Mosyed to …

7 of Diamonds

19 spritely souls swam through the sea of soul-sucking humidity to stare an unfamiliar beat down straight in its sly, sweat-provoking face. Welcoming of PAX, giving of disclaimer, leaving of flag. Warm Up: Mosey to field in front of Zoo Side Straddle Hop x 30 Peter Parker x 25 Low …

Gnarly Tune Up

I figured I would try something a little different. I’m pretty sure this could be the longest partner run in F3 Nola history. We need the reps though and no place like the home field to start working on some race day prep. As fortune had it all in attendance …

Ran Back Mountain

39 PAX met up on the last day of May, which was hot and humid. It was also the last day of the ISI challenge, and maybe that’s why we have close to 40 PAX. YHC couldn’t believe there were no FNGs with that many people. At 5:30, YHC gave …

Here comes the sun…

Ah yes, summer is almost here?  Ok it’s here.  As YHC walked up to the AO this morning, YHC wondered how his planned beatdown would go with the warm, sticky morning that the PAX were met with.  More on that later…With an introduction and disclaimer the PAX were off. Mosey …

Party at Okwata

There was excitement oozing from GroupMe yesterday in anticipation of the party at Okwata. Bones was trying to draw the uptown crowd in. The lakeview clown car(s) all showed up! 16 Pax joined YHC on the lakefront to celebrate the day a legend was born. Brief disclaimer, then a mosey …

Ren & Stimpy

As it is Tuesday, the book of Revit says Burpees are acceptable, however, still unpleasant, so we began with 10 OYO. Mosey uptown to the parks edge looping back to Tulane and Gibson Quad for a warm-up circle. Circle 1: SSH x 20, Arm Circles Forward & Reverse, Peter Parkers*x10 …