The Gap and the Gain – from Triple Shift
Date: May 15th, 2023 Location: Rock City Weather: 71 % humidity and 75 degrees With all the ChatGPT generated backblasts hitting Slack, I wanted to go old school and work on my memory, thinking and writing skills. With Fracsac out of town, he asked me to pick up his Q …
No Knees Over Toes Tabata – from Scantron
Started off with a brief backwards walk around the south end of the track to the parking lot behind the bleachers. Did a short warmup and then mosied over to the small levee behind the admin building. We did some up and backs over the levee, with each run ending …
Dream Sequence: Cinco de Mayo AND a Rudy Appearance – from Bolt
As site Q, YHC psyched to see Cinco de Mayo open since it’s the day that my ancestral people celebrate…u know, Anglo Saxon Americans who pretend to b Mexican as an excuse to drink copious amounts of tequila and cervezas, all the while thinking it’s Mexican Independence Day (NOPE) but …
Rudy incognito – from Kenna Brah
YHC did his best to imitate the great one as Rusy turned up green around the gills. SO I atoned for missing Friday int eh follwing way: Warm Up: Mosey to the Pumps Mountail Man Pooper Good Mornings 10x Arm Circle Circuit 10x Hillbillies 10x Toy Soldiers 10x Pick a …
Dora on the Rocks with a Twist and Side of Cheese – from Architect
YHC prepared early for his VQ, alarm appropriate set and arose to ideal weather conditions. 124 days since his FNG appearance. After going through the usual early morning routines and agenda, YHC made his way to AO, gave; disclaimer and led PAX through standard warm up movements. National Grilled Cheese …
B’s and Bears – from Bogey
Disclaimer/to rock pile for a brief warmup/grab a rock and off to the hill/ Killer B’s – 3 man team with one pax on one side doing burpees, the second pax on the other side doing Big Boys, and the third bear crawling up and over the hill from one …
Blindman’s Dodgeball – from Fast Tax
17 PAX showed up in the gloom at Rock City. Warmups consisted of Abe Vigodas, Grass Grabbers, Toy Soldiers, and Hairy Rockettes After “medium” rock selections, we lined up in the gloom for the first event, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. We lined up and, trying not to hit each other and incur 30 …
Something Simple – Sort Of – from Charmin
When YHC saw that there wasn’t a Q signed up for the Uptowner, he knew what to do. YHC has noticed a ton of creative, unique, and original beatdowns as of late and wanted to remind the PAX that a beatdown can be something simple. So of course, wanting simplicity, …
All Hail the 88th – from Rudy
March 29th, the 88th day of the year. That screams out for a particular exercise. Hint hint – fortunately, Frac knew the answer… But first – the air was a bit chillier than anticipated for this first annual National Midriff TShirt Day. Bogey and Frac joined YHC in baring our …