
Gipper before Gnarly

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was …

The Millennial Beatdown

Who knew that a workout titled “The Millennial” would actually be difficult? One would assume that given the reputation of Millennials, this would be the workout equivalent of watching Netflix. That being every 5 minutes someone asks “are we still working out”? Instead, we were introduced to a series that …

Mr. Anderson’s On the Clock

With a high of 59, 20% chance of rain and breezy, the forecast promised an invigorating and intense Saturday beat down. But instead, morning rain, still, humid air and Jose 10K helped deliver and invigorating and intense Saturday beat down! PRE THANG The usual pre-thang suspects gathered at the usual …

Convergence ’18…/uploads/2018/10/ In celebration of the 4 year Anniversary of the starting of F3 NOLA,  a Convergence was called at the site where it all started, the Mothership.  PAX from every AO in F3 NOLA; Northshore, Westbank, Kenner, Baton Rouge, Metairie, Mid-City, and Uptown, converged on City Park for a celebration …

Can You Feel The LOVE?

We were all FNGs once…BUT….IF….you’ve been an F3 Northshore FNG recently, making your first post at the most logical AO, the Mandeville Lakefront, you’ve experienced some extreme H8 from on-Q-high.  Of course, I would never mention any Qs by name…but a few nicknames come to mind: Turbo (extreme H8), Maverick (he called it “a …

Mandeville Zoo

It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done. -Nelson Mandella It was this sentiment that was permeating the air like vapors of a scent distinctly from times gone by, whilst I was pondering the unlimited possibilities for Saturday at the Lakefront. It had YHC reminiscing about slightly less than a year …


With the Gnarly Nutria on this evening’s agenda, YHC considered taking it easy on the PAX this morning at The Gipper.  That thought disappeared into the morning’s humidity as soon as Moby approached the AO wearing his new DeWalt contractor gloves, ready to get to work.  So we did: Warmup …