
A very thankful 4 years of F3

YHC was greeted this beautiful anniversary gloom by 11 PAX waiting to celebrate an F3 anniversary the right way, with a beatdown of course. While planning this beatdown, YHC started thinking how grateful he is of F3, Shorty EH’ing him hard to “just come out and see.” I’ll be forever …

A Tale of Two Beatdowns

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, and…. yes, it was certainly the age of foolishness. The Pax were presented with two choices this morning, follow the Wacker of Bushes off to the Marsh where 35 lbs. cinderblocks awaited …

A Love Letter to the Gipper

Hey Gipper! It’s been a while. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. In fact, I missed you so much that slow-ass drivers and blinding rain couldn’t keep me away this morning. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder! And, of course, my most sincere apologies for …

Return of the Green Mile

19 pax showed up to the Lakefront on Saturday Morning, for a beatdown known as the Green Mile. Pre-thang; 2 miles Tanked up, Bushwacker, Barely Legal and a late arriving YHC. The thang: Warm up: SSH, IW, Mt climbers, Slow skwaats, and dippy birds all IC x 20 The Green …


Devoted PAX posted unabashed by the threat of Barry. Meeting locale was moved from the Lakefront to the Milestone Marsh. Legal kicked off the beatdown with some warm-ups under the cover provided by Tyler Thomas Park. The rain held off so Legal led the PAX out into the great wide …

Twenty Hate

YHC rolled up to The Gipper in the Gloom this morning armed with the knowledge that Grundy turns 28 years old today. What better present could YHC bestow than a proper beat down? So once the preliminaries were out of the way, the birthday celebration began with a warmup of …

ACME Round Robin

Eight PAX arrived in the Gloom at The Gipper this morning only to learn that their favorite out of work hairdresser had been called away from his Q duties for, get this, work. Those who do not know him better might think that “work” is his euphemism for “fartsack” but …