
IronPax week 1 – from Akbar

8 strong this morning for Week 1. YHC proctored and DJ’d while 7 went to work. Cowbell dropped by after his run for some F2. Finishing times were: Bean 35.10 BBQ 43 (modified) Jose 10k 43 (modified) Einstein 44.15 Barely Legal, Moby Dick and Maverick were close to finishing but …

21-15-9 – from Akbar

YHC had 2 beatdowns in mind and was on the fence about which workout to do all the way to the parking lot. Would it be 21-15-9 or a block grinder? Figuring we’ll have plenty of block work the next month, 21-15-9 it is (with a little block work too). …

Tour De Covington – from Einstein

Short disclaimer… Warmup: all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Hill Billys, Shoulder Shrugs, Imperial Walkers, Swimmers, Grass Grabbers, Seal Jacks Thang: We did various and sundry (excuse the tautology) exercises, all over town The PAX: Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Einstein, MobyDick, Shooter, Tanked-Up, The Hammer, Turbo-Dog …

10/3/20 – from Shooter

Wanting to pay tribute to at least one of the many fallen officers of past, present and unfortunately the future… YHC pulled the “Hightower” from the Exicon honoring Jacob Hancher. At 23 years of age and only 8 months into service on the Myrtle Beach police department on 10/3/2020 responding …