
Iron PAX Prelude

YHC had plans for his 52nd birthday Q at Rock City (hint: what other workout option includes the number 52?). But Sunday night, Hawg posted the Iron PAX Prelude. And Tanner jumped in immediately – “Hey Rudy, lets do this!” So what option did I have? The belated 52-birthday-Q will …

Bring in the lefty

Over the weekend my fellow LVCC member, and unofficial F3 chauffeur, Screw Top was injured (not seriously) in a purely unavoidable pool incident in which he was emulating Odell Beckham Jr. Thankfully Kuch being the big man that he is volunteered to step up as replacement Q. Unfortunately it was …

My first Okwata Q

21 PAX gathered for my first Okwata Q on a gloriously humid morning, although a slight breeze was present so it made for a much more tolerable beatdown. Since the grass on the levee is still well over a foot high and plenty saturated from all the rain we have …

No Problemata Tabata

24 person tabata? No problem! We’ll head to they gym today and use the stairs. WARM UPSide straddle hopWind millsGrass grabbersLow slow squatsMountain climbersPeter Parkers JLo’sBox cuttersFlutter kicks Tabata (40 second workout, 20 second rest, 8 times) Divide into 3 groups, each group takes a workout (decline pushups on the Gym …