Barely Legal
Blame Zoo – from Steve
That was the refrain of the day after YHC called out, “Let’s get started,” and was met with a collective groan. Look, YHC isn’t even in the top 3 of the toughest Northshore Q’s (think Grundy, Hammer, hell, even Pickaxe/Chainsaw could give me a run for my money). Also, just …
Runners….Assemble! A double 100s on double 07 – from Jose10k
Double pairs of 100 burpees before 5 miles were ran. Most after, one runner prior to the 100. +2
7 & 7 on the Rocks – from Akbar
YHC took the late Q last night, arriving to 8 HIM at the Gipper. Warm up: SSH, Smurf Jacks, Arm Circles, Self Love, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Windmills, Toe Touches Quick mosey to the Rockpile, 10 reps OYO of: Curls, Rows, Shoulder Press, Goblet Squat, Triceps Press, …
It’s the Final Countdown!!!! – from Jose10k
7 HIM took the red pill this morning to push themselves in this awful humidity. Einstein and YHC took off early for the prethang. A quick mile before the start of the beatdown. We returned to the flag to see 5 men eager to go, but something was missing. I …
7.564k Au Lait – from Steve
I don’t know, it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. But hey, that’s what you get when you cut off two fingers and a few left turns. Apparently Legal and Bean could further trim the route if Tank doesn’t return from his European vacation soon. T-claps to Parrot …
7.564k Au Lait – from Steve
I don’t know, it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. But hey, that’s what you get when you cut off two fingers and a few left turns. Apparently Legal and Bean could further trim the route if Tank doesn’t return from his European vacation soon. T-claps to Parrot …
If My Calculations Are Correct, When This Baby Hits 88 mph, You Are Going to See Some Serious… – from Steve
My favorite part of Q’ing a Gipper beatdown? The disgusted look on Moby’s face when he finds out I have the Q and starts muttering obscenities under his breath. It warms my heart and makes me realize that some tiny part of me actually looks forward to being Moby’s age. …
WE ARE F3 – AROO AROO AROO!!! – from Bushwacker
This fall, some of the PAX of the Northshore will be CSAUPing at the Spartan Beast obstacle race near Dallas. There is a palpably intense excitement in the air and this beatdown was designed to make sure all in attendance felt it. YHC, along with some some kind and committed …