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Barely Legal


With no World Cup Soccer themes or any other ideas for a “LOVE FEST Beatdown” dancing in my mind, YHC figured it would be a good time to work off some of those holiday calories that invariably crop up at this time of year.  So, with a big crowd (T-Claps guys) on the day …

FNG: Out of Work Hair Dresser

As YHC pulled up to the Wednesday rendevieu point for “we south of I-12” a familiar looking vehicle simultaneously pulled in a few spots away.Taking the gamble that I wasn’t about to make a fool of myself, I jumped out pointing and waiving my hands. Sure enough, Steve had returned …

What’s My Name?!?!

This back blast is going to be short and sweet since I am off to train for the Nightmare Before Christmas beatdown 12/16 at the lakefront!  It was a little cold so we just started with 50 SSH in cadence to warm everyone up. We followed that with some windmills …

This Looks Familiar

Ideal weather conditions for a Saturday morning beatdown at the Lakefront. YHC was looking to repeat the soreness experienced after Turbo’s Cinder Block beatdown the Saturday before.  Pre-thang warmorama 11 x Toe Touches                            16 x Scorpions 12 x Smurf Jacks                            17 x Monkey Humpers 13 x Twist & Pivot                         18 …

Doracidal Tendencies

The day to tackle the one remaining AO I had never Q’d was upon me. QIC felt the strong  need to conquer The Gipper in a most unforgettable manner, though only the astoundingly hardcore Wednesday PAX could tell you whether or not my mission was indeed accomplished. I consider it …

TrUe DowN PAINmeNT!!

Saturday gloom is nothing less than amazing in the cool of November. Q seems to have gotten a reputation to bring true down PAINments considering Q plays no games!!! With a 630 prompt start it goes like this… Warmarama: 20 SSH ic 15 windmils ic 15 toe touches ic 15 …

Nice Fall Weather

Toto’s Virgin Q Nice Fall weather in the 50’s with no humidity so a nice day to get a beat down and have some fun. Missing a few due to hunting so hope they got their workout in. Warmup: 20 Imperial Walkers Happy Jacks 20 Hill Billie’s Exercise: Clowney IC …