Bad Moon
Bad Moon


Jackie Robinson once said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives”. Today, 42 men showed up in the soggy gloom to face the Mountain. Today, we caught a glimpse of the incredible impact F3 has had on a growing number of lives as …

2019 Wolfpack Mountain

Seeing that I never Q’ed Wolfpack Mountan…ever! I decided to start 2019 a little differently. In fact, I have never Q’ed any uptown AO since the 2014 beginning of F3 or my second beginning in Sept. 2016. That’s an entirely different story for another time. Anyway, T-Claps to Yankee’s text …

Rarajipari on WPM

I took the Q this am bc I have been dying to try some Rarajipari after Hawgcycle told me about playing it in City Park for the 610 Stomp. We showed up for a hot 68 degree AM in the gloom.  We had a FNG – (CHIHUAHUA) named after the …

First Q at the Mountain

YHC texted the planned QIC, Tinkles, last night requesting the Q for Wolfpack Mountain.  YHC was on the schedule prior to Halloween and was unable to fulfill his duties.  This seemed like a good make-up date.  Tinkles humbly obliged and the Downpainment was underway. W/U Mosey down the neutral ground to Walnut …

Campus Tour

Twenty NOLA regulars trickled in as we hit 05:30. The disclaimer was given and we were off. First stop was the terrace at St.  Charles and Calhoun for a quick warmup. 10 Burpees at the bottom, 20 LBC’s at the top and 30 Squats on the side. Rinse and repeat. …