Angies List
Angies List

Running Introduction

Not enough can be said about what we can achieve when we are held accountable.  I’d had a long week by Friday morning and the weekend wasn’t looking any better.  No need to get up at 5 right?  Not quite.  Roots had already texted earlier in the week to let …

And for the Beatdown, I’ll start with Shoulders and then for my entrée shoulders with a side of shoulders and for dessert…Shoulders!!!!

Oh yes, now we are in the dog days of summer.  So not only did we have 80 degree temperature greeting us at 5:30 but let’s add 100% humidity as it rained the day before.  Fun times and time for some upper-body work.  As El Wire duly noted towards the …

Viva la cucaracha

Hurt yourself, don’t hurt yourself, your Q had disclaimer issues. Least of the Pax’ problems today…let’s mosey. Around the horn discover Brown Bag hiding in the shrubbery then over to touchdown Jesus for the first COP: SSHx 20, MC x20, HB x20, PP x20, Squat Jacks no Smurf Jacks x 20, …

Día de la cucaracha muerta

Light crowd on a steamy Monday but the 12 PAX were up for the challenge. After the obligatory loop  around club parking lot, we headed for the water but an intense ladies kegel exercise class was occupying the space. No worries, a quick jump over the bandstand for the first …

Oh the Terror

This Q had me shaking in fear like night. I was not intending to Q this morning. I had made plans with Hawg to swap Qs. I would take his birdcage Q in early April, and he would take my Q in early June. I filled in admirably for him …

Bring Sally Up – again

Humidity is a reality right now.  The constant feeling of sticky sweat – and living in a dog’s mouth. We ran a loop by the golf course.  Then circled up at the bandstand in Audubon. SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squats x 20, Mtn Climbers x 20, Dead bugs x …

Record Breaking Workout

A record 26 PAX showed up Wednesday morning to the heavy, humid smell of duck shit. We ran quickly from that spot in order to introduce the PAX to some special hip-loosening yoga stretches. Seaman got a little too excited about these and had to be publicly asked to stop …