Angies List
Angies List

BASIL the Skinny Elf

YHC is rarely able to make a Monday beatdown due to work. As a matter of fact, YHC has only made three Rock City beatdowns, with one of those as the Q. With YHC taking today off, it was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of attending the Skinny. Upon …

12-0 at #Rockne City

What a beautiful, cool, crisp day for football. Or at least to celebrate football. So 18 men gathered in the gloom at Pontiff Park in a celebration of Notre Dame’s undefeated season, Rockne style. OK, so maybe 1 man was celebrating Notre Dame’s perfect season, but that man was the …

Rarajipari on WPM

I took the Q this am bc I have been dying to try some Rarajipari after Hawgcycle told me about playing it in City Park for the 610 Stomp. We showed up for a hot 68 degree AM in the gloom.  We had a FNG – (CHIHUAHUA) named after the …

21s on the river

It was cold morning so after dodging a bus on magazine st, we warmed up with twenty ones at the zoo, dips and LBCs. And we went on a leisurely mosey down to the river for some more twenty ones of mericans and real Freddie Mercury’s. The fearless Q bit …

First Q at the Mountain

YHC texted the planned QIC, Tinkles, last night requesting the Q for Wolfpack Mountain.  YHC was on the schedule prior to Halloween and was unable to fulfill his duties.  This seemed like a good make-up date.  Tinkles humbly obliged and the Downpainment was underway. W/U Mosey down the neutral ground to Walnut …