Angies List
Angies List

Waxing Angie’s List

Beautiful AM at the FLY. Started with a debate about the launch point for the beatdown. Riverview vs the Hill. For now the Hill wins but I see Angie’s point. The riverview is nice. We circled up. I allowed for quite a bit of Mumblechatter today because I really wanted …

Tee-Tee Returns

Thanks to Douille for giving up his birthday Q so I could lead a 3-year anniversary beat down. I meant to give him a shout out during the work out and totally forgot so please tell him happy birthday next time you see him. I racked my brain to come …

Sweaty Bells on Cinco de Mayo

Pre-Thang When Hawgcycle posted May’s ISI Challenge, YHC was excited to see that there will be a workout every Sunday. Hawgcycle even called YHC out “@King Kong We have one if someone gets it going.” Without any hesitation, YHC nominated himself to Q the first Sunday Uptown workout. YHC originally …

Call to the Post

Growing up in the Bluegrass state, the first Saturday in May was always a holy day of obligation for YHC. Now in New Orleans with Jazzfest, my faith has evolved. But today the PAX indulged YHC in some Kentucky Derby minutiae. WARM UP – Slow mosey to WWI Memorial and …

We have 23ish…

23 PAX posted at WPM for ILoveYouMan’s VQ. After a quick introduction and disclaimer we were off with a quick run down St Charles and back to TD Jesus. WARM-O-RAMA 20 x Grass Grabbers, 20 x Self Love, 15 x Windmills, 25 x SSH, 20 x Mt Climbers, 20 x …