Levees in the Moonlight
EL Wire always starts with the JACK OFF. SSH x 20, SMurfs x 20, Seals x 20 and Plank Jacks x 20 – El Wire is the MASTER at this. Then we mosey’d to the levee. Partner up. We did Merkins at the TOP x10, x 15, x 20, x …
EL Wire always starts with the JACK OFF. SSH x 20, SMurfs x 20, Seals x 20 and Plank Jacks x 20 – El Wire is the MASTER at this. Then we mosey’d to the levee. Partner up. We did Merkins at the TOP x10, x 15, x 20, x …
Thirty something men assembled in the gloom under a full moon to celebrate Friday the 13th. Apparently the next time a full moon falls on Friday the 13th is 2049 so I hope y’all enjoyed it. I also hope Jadaveon will remeber all of us when he is the sole …
I have been to many F3 workouts over the past 21 months, all of which have been great in their own way. But this time I was hoping to do something a little different. At a sales meeting earlier this year, my company had an 80’s themed party that my …
Posted in a million degree weather with 1000% humidity to start this IPC. Meet at the lawn by the ZOO! Line up. Broad jump 10 yards, 10 burpees, 10 bonnieblairs, and 10 big bois, broad jump 10 yards do it again, and broad jump 10 yards and do it again. …
Happy Labor Day VQ for Tube Steak, where learning to count was the real training for the day (@Squeal was right…counting is hard). Rolled out from the circle at 0530 with a dirty dozen group (including +1 FNG) and a quick disclaimer. Straight away looking for trouble while running right …
The rule of thumb is “Plan for the expected. Prepare for the unexpected!” Seems the unexpected has besieged us more than our traditional morning strolls in the park. Today was one more of those days. Q was unconfirmed and a no show, so YHS, picked up the shovel and dug …
Mosey to the bandstand:Warm up. IC20x SSH’s20x windmills20x hillbillies20x mountain climbers The thang: Mosey to the light poles BLIMPSBurpeesLungesImperial walkersMerkinsPlank jacksSquatsInitially did 3x rinse and repeat with a little resistance from the group and added another round on for good measure I Love You Man helped with some FreddieMercs while …
DISCLAIMER YHC spent some extra time on the disclaimer this morning. Watch your six. Watch yourself. WARM UP Mosey the parking lot to the truck to distribute 2 bricks per PAX. PAX circled the lot and then to the front of the bandstand. 20 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 10 …
19 PAX (incluing Rewatch, downriver from Houston) in the morning gloom to help YHC celebrate the end of his 51st year. Yippee! Started out with a disclaimer, trying to be more thoughtful than normal with thoughts of Holy Grove in mind. Everyone: be mindful of your health. Hydrate. Modify. Its …
A disclaimer? No, that’s just what we have to do at the beginning of these beatdowns. So, with a disclaimer, we are off! Mosey to lawn in front of Loyola for warm up with a little help from my friends! Alternating Open Gates IC X20 Imperial Walkers with help from …