
Lindsey who? – from Akbar

YHC was early this gloom, committing to the 1 miler pre-thang but arriving to no one — just for a little while. An FNG joined me (EH’d by Hogsbreath) and we chatted until one by one they arrived from the dark. PAX: Akbar, Hogsbreath, Leroy (FNG), Moby Dick, Blue Note, …

How 007 AO was born, and no it was not assassination!!!!! – from Pass Interference

To fully give credit Q was both Pass Interference and Hogs Breath This BackBlast is like my wifes period (after 3 kids and a vasectomy) it’s better late than never! Trying to “accurately” record the short history of this newly minted AO. A Balmy high 40ish, several pax made the …

Ten by Ten – from Waterpik

Warmup at the marsh then mosey to the trailhead. Stop at each block along a circuitous route for 10 reps of 10 exercises at each block. The exercises were merkins, sister mary Katherine’s (2 ct), Superman’s, crunchy frogs, leg raises, monkey humpers, hello dolly’s, smurf Jack’s. +4

Runners, Ruckers with Cowbell ahead of schedule and somewhere in between Bushwacker!!! – from Shooter

Last 2 weeks YHC has decided to strap up with a Ruck sack instead of Mosey at the Scramble.. Although the distance is far less for logging RunCajunRun mileage the mumble chatter is far easier and the change of pace for the Q is welcomed at the present.. Acceleration is …

Paul Bunyan ain’t my name but chopping wood is the game. – from Fletch

Warmup: SSH’s, windmills, merkins, seal jacks, grass grabbers, shoulder taps and imperial walkers. Grabbing some coupons we moseyed to the parking lot on side the woodwrights shop. We continued with 10 IC curls for the girls and shoulder presses. Thang:15 Wood chops on a tractor tire with a sledgehammer. Upon …

The Merkin Trap, Episode 4: The Search for Plutonium – from Akbar

Admiral Gail Akbar of the Mon Calamari returns to the Northshore Mothership once again, to fight another battle against Darth Fartsack and the Sad Clown Empire. His secret mission this trip is to investigate the galactical mystery of Plutonium, reportedly found in the NOLA area by some beast named Hawgcycle. …