
Ladders – from Akbar

YHC arrived this brisk gloom as Waterpik and Hammer were already at center court solving the worlds problems in deep conversation. Moby arrived just in time for the warm up. Today we did ladders. Warm up: the usual with a focus on YHC’s shoulders after digging up fence posts yesterday. …

The Pacer – from Akbar

Beautiful, crisp morning at the Scramble, where 4 HIM showed up to get better. Warm up: SSH, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Windmills, Scorpion Kicks, Leg Swings. YHC forgot the ruck today, so 4 went out on the regular route with an extra loop in Hermitage. No ruckers, no Pik, no …

Cyber Monday – from Akbar

Chilly day at the Marsh, where the regular HIM joined YHC for a Cyber Monday beatdown. Not a big fan of spelling workouts, but something new was learned. Did you know you can google a list of exercises that start with each letter of the alphabet? This is how it …

The MARSOC Mosey – from Akbar

Another crisp morning at 61 degrees and the fabulous four got to work with a Waterpik style high rep workout. Monday mumblechatter was high, discussing football, weekend activities, and fond remembrances of our strange encounter with Eduardo – the Spanish fellow that jumped into our workout one morning. Warmup started …