
The Foundry

5 men braved the cold on this morning to better themselves.  The usual disclaimer and off we go. A short mosey to the first COP: SSH x 20 IC Imperial Walkers x 20 IC Low Slow Squats x 20 IC Windmills x 10 IC Arm Circles IC, 10 Forward, 10 …

The 4 Horseman at Okwata

Okwata just doesn’t get enough respect. Let me clarify that statement; Jingle Vader posts to Okwata quite often, so it gets lots of Respect, so it’s the other kind of respect it lacks. YHC read the informative email from our NOLA Nantan at the beginning of the week where, once …

Defrosting the pipes

In case you didn’t notice, it was a bit nippy last week.  The PAX count was correspondingly a bit low.  The plumbers will now be gainfully employed in overdrive for a few weeks.  So it’s time to get back to work.  The THANG. Warm up with mumblechatter: SSHs ICx25 Frankensteins ICx25 Low …

Crochet Visor, Sans Gloves

There are many reasons Hawgcycle is one of my heroes. He leads by example, he pushes himself and everyone around him to be better, Iron Sharpens Iron, he provides words of inspiration, he is a literary genius (just read the Tough Mudder backblast), and so on. Today, it is because …

Rolling Fog at Okwata

YHC received the bad news from Surge that he was ill, and would not be posting. This was surely a sign of that dreaded day, the day where YHC would be a Pax of one. SPOILER ALERT: He wasn’t! YHC woke up to an annoying rain, one that would obviously …

Rock City Trifecta

Solid showing on Monday at Pontiff, despite the rain.  Eight men braved the iffy forecast to get the usual fix of F3 at Rock City.  The scheduled Q was out with the flu (or maybe Saints game hangover???) so a few of us stepped in to sub.  Here’s what went …

FUBAR at the Foundry

YHC arrived at the Foundry to find other Pax ready to roll. The gloom was especially gloomy this day as the weather wasn’t sure what it wanted to do. The fog and the high humidity were dead giveaways that the weather was a changing. YHC wasn’t really sure what to …