
Spartacus II…again

DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey…Grab a rock, medium, one you won’t drop on your head…Let’s mosey to the shelter (cuz it has benches and a lovely aroma). COP: -SSH x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.) -J-Lo’s x 30 IC Bulgarian Split Lunge (30 …

Trifecta of Anniversaries

Rewind 3 years ago to a rainy Saturday morning in April when YHC was coaxed into coming to his first F3 workout, standing in the dark amid the mud and a bunch of dudes calling each other by goofy names.  Not exactly the best way to spend a Saturday morning …

The Passover

On a Friday morning with perfect temps and dry conditions, we started on what I hoped would be the greatest, most spiritual F3 workout of all time. It was time for Rev Sox to emphasize the Rev in his name and throw imprecatory curses on the Sox. To give this …

No arms… kinda

From the Tough Mudder almost a month ago, YHC banged up his right arm good and sore.  Although it’s no longer lovely shades of green, brown and yellow, it’s still nowhere near 100%.  So today YHC attempted an armless BeatDown.  He was successful…mostly. After a disclaimed, the PAX was off …

A Dirty Dozen at Okwata

The Pax enjoyed another cool, albeit windy, morning at the Okwata AO.  Before long, the gloom will be filled with thick and humid air, so 12 Pax posted to take advantage of it.  YHC pulled up to the AO and was surprised to see our F3 Flag, which could only …