
19 for 11

Back from Canada after a weeklong hiatus, YHC was ready to get back in the saddle.  7 days is enough to enable one to forget just how oppressive August humidity can be in the south.  Feeling like a weakened northerner, unable to face the Southern Summer, YHC decided to dress the …

Uptowner #1 July 13th

Guys there are no doubt several things I need to work on –  procrastination is right at the top! Warm Up: Hall x 15 Micheal Phelps Hill Billy SSH Leg Swing with a partner facing each but left should to right should using partner for balance swing outside leg out and …

The Return of the Cusak

The Q wanted to make sure he was on time this morning so he did not give Rudy any additional reasons to harass the Q.   Was a nice, warm, and muggy morning as the PAX met at the normal spot for Rock City. A quick disclaimer and PAX moseyed …

No Cowbell, No Problem

The clock ticked steadily towards 5:30.  The growing herd of PAX started to get restless.  Mutterings of “Who’s the Q?” were heard.  YHC had checked the sheet the night before – Cowbell was on the list.  Surely Cowbell would have also checked the list, or his email.  Right? Wrong. 5:30 …