
New Year / New Tunes

Gentlemen, At Swolefest this morning, 6 PAX had the pleasure of enjoying a beatdown accompanied with a playlist of some eclectic Mardi Grad Marching Band esque type music. Jesus Juice played some songs at Wisner Mountain last Friday that got High Rise & myself feeling a little nostalgic. Then High …

Lakeview vs. Pontiff II

Three months ago the men of Lakeview, unannounced and uninvited, strolled into Pontiff on the day of the Wally Run and threw down the challenge to the men of Pontiff for an Ultimate Frisbee battle. Pontiff never stood a chance as Lakeview mopped the floor with a commanding win. Thus …

Playing the hits

After some back and forth as to who would Q The Foundry today, I was summoned by the unwritten F3 by-law that if a Q is unable to attend then I will Q. I think I may need a lawyer for this but Kuch is the one who wrote said …

Armistice 2020

I looked for a good Veteran’s Day themed WOD and found 2 that I liked. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to complete (particularly Catfish) so the plan was to have everyone complete WOD #1 and then transition to WOD #2 with the left over time …

Swolefest 11-9-2020

5:30am on Monday morning felt like it came quickly this week. But once it hit, it was time to start off the week right with a little F3 Swolefest beatdown: Warm Up: side straddle hops – 20 in cadence wind mills – 10 in cadence plank jacks – 20 in …