The Thunder Rolls….

After doing Cowbells crazy 5 sec rest ISI in the parking garage, Q noticed the storm rolling in. The rain wasn’t my concern, however, the amazing display of lightning was. A small modification was needed. Warm-up: Toe touches, torso twists, Bushwackers T motion, and something else I cannot remember. The …

You Gotta Buy-In!

If you are crazy enough to be one of the men who voluntarily forego their normal names in exchange for a nickname that could be mistaken for a middle schoolers insult; all for the “privilege” of leaving your DNA all over Mandeville and Covington, then you are quite familiar with …

Burpee Ball

Warm ups: ssh, toe touches, arm circles, cherry pickers, self love The thang: lt. Steve the length of the parking garage. Lazy Dora afterwards, 100 Mericans, 200 squats, 300 lbcs. Then I opened my trunk of beach balls. In groups of two, we began burpee ball. At first the rules …