Thank you F3

Cool temps greeted the PAX under the still starlit gloom at The Birdcage. 13 HIM took on a beatdown that someone referred to as “Old School”, and somebody else said was “Intense”. Interestingly I often find that Qing a beatdown actually adds some immunity to the difficulty. I don’t know …

Monkey Humper Monday

Got to bed late and was feeling tired and uninspired this am – forced myself to the beatdown because I was the Q today. First person I saw was Revit and I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling it yet – and he reminded me that sometimes getting out of bed …


Where are my keys, YHC kept muttering to himself.  Tick tock tick tock.  YHC roared in half a minute late to lots of mumblechatter.  Disclaimer easy to give. Definitely not a professional trainer.  So off go the PAX with a mosey around the track to the flag pole. Warmup: SSHs …

Round One

Pulled up to the AO and saw more PAX at Sweaty Bells than ever before.  What’s up?  Not much it turns out: over half the PAX were weightless and split Dodge as soon as YHC gave a disclaimer.  But YHC was glad that Tiny Dancer 2 didn’t join these renegades. …