Tabata Tabata Tabata  – from Mobydick
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Tabata Tabata Tabata – from Mobydick

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, Cowbell, Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, Shooter, Maverick

A Pax if 10 showed up for a seriously non cardio workout. Pretty simple really. Make it as tough as you like. An 8 exercise set of 60 sec work 30 sec Rest Repeated 4 x. Commence with brief 20x IC TT/TTwists/Cherry pickers. Then first round MC by Tabata app broadcast to Bluetooth speakers. CCB Coupons for Curls Squats Presses Rows. You (1/2 the PAC )pick the intensity for 60 sec each. The other half did core tension Table tops. Bridges. Pilates crunches and 100.
The App maximizes the flow. Doesn’t sound too rigorous but the lack of mumble chatter says otherwise. The last 2 minutes filled with SSH in cadence. 40 reps worth. Namearamma and much appreciated 72nd B Day/5 yr F3 Anniversary wishes and Brownie with candle. COT. Thanks guys for my Life Health and Strength