Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday

Nov 3 2019

Once again the Renaissance crew gathered in the gloom.

T-claps to Heisenberg who first appeared as a small dot at the entrance to the park, having rucked for an hour before the meet. Our small but dedicated group circled up and got to it.

I’m calling this the “Tour Guide” – YHC led pax on a 15ish minute run through the scenic portion of City Park that F3 nation rarely visits. Kept the mosey strong with a halfway intermission of box jumps and inclined merkins. Ultimately made our way to practice track.

An improvised four corners.
First corner – All pax circle up, hold plank while each pax completes 10 merkins, counter clockwise, complete the circle. Two rounds.
Run half lap of track (200 m) listen to pax debate the definition of a “corner” as you pass two.
Second Corner – Again circle up. Again plank, again merkins @10, one round. Then on six for LBCs. 20 LBCs per pax member while all hold legs at 6in above ground or in LBC ready position. Whatever you do don’t let feet touch the ground. 2 rounds. Up for another half lap. Again, the “definition” of a “corner” sounds like a hot topic. Pass all the Army guys in their matching outfits (which were clean, unsweaty, and had no signs of workout) who were pointing and jealous of our F3 K9 pax member, DJ Diver, who had his vest and was blasting sweet tunes for all.
Third Corner – Again circle up. Again plank, again merkins @ 10, one round. On six, one round 20 LBCs. Up to feet, next movement. 30 squats per pax while rest hold trees (Al Gore). Two rounds.

Time became a factor and it is a poor Sunday Q who forgets our finishing burner… The one and only, Sunday Mornings.

Run/Mosey to back of NOMA. 5 sets OYO
one set =
Assume the people’s chair, do 10 air presses
Down to merk position for 5 donkey kicks
Then Balls to wall, do one hand stand press, or count to 10

Side note –

As YHC takes more opportunities to Q I’ve noticed that the best compliment a Q can receive is grumblings and doubt from the peanut gallery. It means we’re getting somewhere, and the pax is getting what we all pay for – The Push. Have you ever complained when you’re working out on your own? Absolutely not. Because you just speak to management (yourself) and stop. The reward of F3 is we push and get pushed to a point we would not typically take ourselves. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable. That’s where the growth happens. Everyone of those complaints turn in to victories at coffeteria once it’s all over.

I don’t know how I started coming to Sundays… It might have been Catfish. But I’ve got to tell you. They are now one of my favorites. When it seems there is absolutely no reason to keep a commitment, even to yourself, and every reason to let off the gas… It might be the most important moment to keep it.

Thanks for letting me lead