Stomp #200 – Legends of the Stomp
Stomp #200 – Legends of the Stomp

Stomp #200 – Legends of the Stomp

PAX:Tool, Hawgcycle, Rudy, Smooth, Ya Mom n'Dem, Screw Top, Nip/Tuck, Jesus Juice, Heisenberg, Bones, Briefs, Tua, Oops!, Half Nelson, High Rise, Dirty Dell, Hokie Pokey, Triple Shift, Amnesty, War Eagle, Rev Sox, Wolverine, Woz, Surge

“What makes you successful? The number one thing is consistency and performance at whatever you choose to do” – Nick Saban

“Habits matter more than goals. There is a compounding effect of habits in the long run.” – Shane Parrish

The Stomp was started 4 years ago as a means of training for the Spartan Race. The original 610 Stomp route was down Marconi to either Harrison or Filmore, all the way to Wisner, and then back to the park, stopping every 6 minutes for 10 burpees. It was not necessarily intended to be a consistent weekly workout, but people kept showing up for it and Q’ing it. The same people, in fact. If you look at the BB from Stomp #100, you’ll see a whole lot of familiar faces.

It seems crazy on a day like today, 25 strong, that this workout might once have been abandoned, so it seemed only fitting to thank those that shepherded it through the leaner times. Plus, they emailed me. Several times. You got this, right Kuch? You do know it’s the 200th Stomp? Yes, Yes, I know, this is the third email I have received. Right right, just checking. Evidently there was a bit of concern that YHC would neglect his duties as one of the site Q’s.

So a plan was hatched to honor those that carried The Stomp when no one else was showing up for it and to keep the pax together in groups so that we could push each other and also enjoy a bit of F2.

Fast Group Legend: Smooth: Smooth is the fastest guy at the Stomp each week, and if we did not let him lead the fast group, he would just run away from it anyway. Every week, while we all run in small groups, Smooth pushes himself to go hard, solo, and rack up more miles than anyone else. In fact, we’re never quite sure where he actually goes, but I’ve heard rumors about him making it to the river and having a cup of coffee before getting back to the flag at the same time as everyone else. T-claps to everyone who ran with him today, and especially Screw Top, who even appeared to keep up.

Medium Group Legend: Tool: Tool is the reason we run the route we do today. Having run both routes, this one is far superior and involves far fewer speeding vehicles in the pitch black of the tree canopy of Marconi. So thanks to Tool for that, and for his consistency in posting for and leading The Stomp over the past 4 years.

More Casual Pace Legends: Hawg and Rudy: Again, look back at the list of PAX posting, and you will see both of these guys at the top. Neither ever shies away from leading a workout, whether it’s because Shorty signed up for it, or because they volunteered. Both guys could eat a tub of ice cream and then outrun me, but since they are doing their sub 130bpm runs right now, they were perfect for leading the 10-minute milers. Two of the most consistent posters and leaders F3 Nola has.

Each group did its own workout led by its Legend. I know Tool had our group doing burpees at every bridge, and Smooth had his group doing merkins at the turn (and still maintaining right around an 8-minute/mile pace). I need a report from the Hawg/Rudy group.

COT, Name-o-rama, and War Eagle did the honors on the prayer. Hope everyone enjoyed the celebration. – Kuch

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