Stomp #109 – Upify If You Please
Stomp #109 – Upify If You Please

Stomp #109 – Upify If You Please

PAX:Hawg, Milkman, Bongo, Jingle Vader, Fracsac, Amensty, Woz

How many running routes can F3 NOLA find to keep the 610 Stomp interesting?  Well, not sure what the answer is but lately the PAX has become fairly creative.  The Cowbell Loop, The Milkman Special, The Shorty Relay, etc have all been recently implemented.  The good ole Bayou St. John Route and/or the practice track always brings the sweat but these other hybrid courses allow for some new scenery and altered challenges.  YHC had been kicking around a few new routes but the tricky part is allowing for modified distances/speeds without breaking to PAX up too much.  So when the PAX trickled in we carefully monitored the time (as per RY’s email) and gave the disclaimer at 5:30 sharp.  Here’s what we did:

Mosey as a group to the Museum.  (.58 mi)

Three laps OYO around the Big Lake track (.75 mi per lap) and modify the lap count down if needed…or “upify” if you please.

Then OYO speedwork on the Lelong Dr. loop (.40 mi each lap) with alternating speed every two light posts from reg mosey to brisk run/sprint.  As many laps until 6:10am hits.

Then mosey back OYO to the flag (.58 mi)

Approx 28 seconds left so just enough time for 6 Burpees.  Any more or less may have earned us a sanction from the nantam.

Some good F2 chat was had during the first few laps.  Total distance covered was around 3.5-4.5+ miles.  T-claps to Hawg for pushing hard on lap three of the speedwork.  Great to see a PAX of 8 on a Tues.

COT to cap off the morning.
