Stock rock and the eye call  – from Wet Tap
Stock rock and the eye call – from Wet Tap

Stock rock and the eye call – from Wet Tap

QIC:Wet Tap
PAX:Cardinal honeysuckle Maneater SafetyValve WetTap

Warrior Wednesday 6-19-24

4 brave souls assembled at the coliseum grounds. All admiring the mile long barricade surrounding the field. It’s that time yet again. Manning camp is upon us. And what better way to celebrate this yearly event. A ruck. YHC had many ideas on what to do and where to go, but no solid quest or destination to achieve. YHC wanted to lead the impromptu Q. Totally off script and spontaneous is not my nature, but after experiencing many of smooth’s traffic burpees, there is something special about it. As we departed my mind wondered. Where to go and what to do?
One of the PAX broke my daydream to blast out that valve was pulling up. Sure enough, the man or myth- soon to be legend appeared in the gloom sporting the legendary fire within tankini.

Like a lightning bolt- a path was imprinted in the crevices of my visual cortex. A path leading to no other than “stock rock”

As we rounded the corner, and processed down a well familiar route, a quick detour sent shivers down some, and whips of excitement to others. A poorly lit parking garage lay ahead.

2 rounds of up the ramps and down the stairs had us in good spirits and quickly burnt through the morning time slot. A quick pace lap around the wellness center has us back to the parking lot for 6 am.

COT & prayer intentions were discussed. Prayers by Cardinal.

Thanks men for another great morning.