Stations and Decking – from Fracsac
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Stations and Decking – from Fracsac

PAX:Bolt, Boo-Boo, CyberCajun, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Hokie, Mahatma, Mambi, Pai Gow, PVC, Rudy

11 Pax at El Diablo to get stronger, witness the bat and the wood, and to partake in some COT Coffeteria.

Warmup with the regular warmup stuff, although many strange looks when moving on without any MNC.

First up, Stations. There were coupons and a sandbag, a jump rope and a battle rope. There were also two cones. The timer was bear crawl 25 yards, then have LBC station throw the football. A clean catch and we rotate, a dropped pass and we all do 5 burpees. We did a few…..

After one full rotation, off to giant deck of death!
Diamonds – 8 count body builders
Hearts – Big Boi sit-ups
Spades – Squats
Clubs – Flutter Kicks

After a bunch of cards, left enough time for one more round of stations.


Coffeteria at the flag.


YHC woke up early to grind some PJs Anniversary Blend beans and brew about 60 ounces of awesome coffee with the French Press! Great opportunity to mingle post beat down!

Mahatma was key in fixing our battle rope bench.

Passed the bat around during name-o-rama. The bat is going limp…..?