Sprints anyone?
Sprints anyone?

Sprints anyone?

PAX:Reluctant Yankee, Bartman, Betty Crocker, 86, King Kong, Landing Strip, Pony Boy, Peppa, Roots, Saban, Colonel Mustard, Chiquita, Sandbar, Brown Bag, Quarter Pipe, Bieber

Birdcage crew was slightly smaller than recent days, but it was just the right size for this VQ. After taking some advice from Roots while standing around the flag I felt fully equipped to get this Q rolling. A standard disclaimer to an eager group of 16, and we rolled…Once we took off, the nerves of the VQ shook out and it was just another opportunity to push ourselves and leave this workout better than when we started.  I couldn’t have been more excited and honored to Q.

A brief mosey followed by a warmup of…

SSH X 20 IC, Merkins X 10 IC, Mtn Climbers X 15 IC, Hillbilly X 15 IC, Windmill  X 15 IC

Short mosey to our “track”, or driveway, for the Q where we started a “BLIMP Plus” Routine

Partner Up and Number off…

“Partner BLIMPS Plus Chase”

(5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imp Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plankjacks, 30 Squats X 2 with some jogs and sprints sprinkled in)

Round 1: Partner 1 completes reps while partner 2 waits, once #1 is finished he takes off for a jog around the driveway entry to the zoo. Partner 2 begins and when complete busts a sprint to where partner 1 currently is. When caught up, partner 1 begins second exercise. After 1st complete BLIMP, roles reverse. #2 goes first and jogs, #1 goes second and Sprints to catch up.

The six long sprints in between the “Sprint round” were a clutch addition to this routine.

After a 10 count we continued the combined reps and sprints routine.

Merkin IC X 10-Sprint 40Yds-LBC IC X 20-Jog 40 Yds

Wide Merk X 8 IC-Sprint 35 YDs-Penguins IC X 15-Jog 35 Yds

Diamond Merk X 6 IC-Sprint 30 YDs-Superman X 10 (Cadence=Up/Down “1”)-Jog 30 yds

Next was some bench work oyo to catch our breath from the anaerobic blast of repeated sprints.

10 LL Power Ups oyo

10 RL Power Ups oyo

10 Dips oyo

8 LL Power Ups oyo

8 RL Power Ups oyo

8 Dips oyo




Mosey to Oak Alley

Whole group-Progression Sprints @ 40 yds X 3…Finish Strong!

Jog to the Flag for COT and Counterama, Namearama, Announcements, BOM and Prayer!

Thanks to all PAX for their effort in this Beatdown. Great job.