Speed Checked By Radar – from Goose
Speed Checked By Radar – from Goose

Speed Checked By Radar – from Goose

PAX:Enron, Goose, Paradox

When YHC was driving home last night, I noticed a large speed checking radar display set up in the neighborhood, and this morning’s beatdown materialized around it. It was only a matter of coming up with how to make it work with only one man sprinting and the rest not just standing and watching, like on The Office: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OYKsYJY3cw.
Here’s how it went down:

Warmup: the usual suspects, but added Peter Parker Peters to warm up the groin, hip flexors, abs, etc. to prep for multiple sprints at max speed.

Moseyed about a quarter mile in a brand new direction. Enron and Paradox knew better than to ask questions, but all became clear once the radar picked us up from afar and started flashing single digit numbers. Office quotes flowed forth (“31! You saw it! It said 31!”), and shoes were tied a little tighter.
As one man sprinted past the sign (75 yards or so) and ran backwards back to start, the other two did AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of one of the following exercises: Carolina Dry Docks, toe touches, shoulder/toe taps, windmills, side squats, Freddy Mercurys, Moroccan Night Clubs, air presses, and big boy situps. Each man sprinted three times.
The highest clocked speed was 18mph, though all three were close. The radar gave the PAX a reason to push to the max, multiple times, which was an awesome experience. The long mosey back to the flag was a much appreciated chance to breathe, especially since sufficient oxygen would be hard to come by for the remainder of the beatdown.

Arrived back at the flag, and YHC asked for two 10-counts so as to prep for what YHC knew would be a wind-sucker: Burpee Jackass Webbs on the bandstand followed by 11’s on the field.
Burpee Jackass Webbs consists of a building ratio of 1 burpee to 2 donkey kicks up against the columns. Starting at 1 burpee and 2 donkey kicks, we stopped the brutality at 5 and 10. There are a small number of routines where burpees are the break, and this is very much one of them.
11’s: Merkins on one end of the field, step-ups on the other (2 is 1), running in between. After sprints and donkey burps, this one was rough. YHC was glad to see the manly combination of competitiveness and camaraderie keeping all three of us at about the same grueling pace.
Finished with about four minutes left for Mary: 20 flutter kicks, 15 wife pleasers, 15 Aus. sweat angels, 20 Scuba Steves.

It was a tough one, but it provided for a memorable experience of deep accompaniment in the midst of pushing limits. It was an honor to do this one with these HIMs, though the rest of you guys were missed! Hope to see more of you in the gloom this week!
