SPACE – The Final Frontier – from Rudy
SPACE – The Final Frontier – from Rudy

SPACE – The Final Frontier – from Rudy

PAX:Bolt, Hand Grenada, Rudy, War Eagle

Cool gloomy morning – the best kind for a workout. Remember mornings like this when we are in the dog days of July and August. 4 PAX set off after a mislocated disclaimer (YHC was just testing whether the PAX were listening when announcing “Welcome to Okwata”).

60 years ago today: Yuri Gargarin becomes first man in space. 40 years ago today: First takeoff of the US Space Shuttle (Columbia). So a quick SPACE warmup with Side straddle hops, Plank jacks, Abe vigodas, Crunchy frogs and Eight count body builders. Then get a rock. The field was wet. Too wet, even for YHC, so instead head to the parking lot and line up.

Elevens with 8 count body builders and Squat Jumps. 10x Curls or Presses whenever you pass your rock. Then walk/mosey/meander to the gazebo for 2 rounds of Step Ups, Dips, Irkins and Derkins. Grab our rocks and rifle-carry back to the pile for a few rounds of Mary before the run back to the flag.

NMM: Thanks for letting me Q. Weekend reading had included one prayer that prompts me (and all of us) to always strive to be better today than we were yesterday. Each day, we will fall short of our ambitions, our goals, our calling. But that can never let us stop trying to be the man we are called to be the next day. Each morning as the sun comes up, we have a new opportunity, a new gift of a day, to lead by example, by word, by deeds. Let us use this gift of today. Prayers especially for Bolt’s father-in-law, who is in need of those prayers.