South Pole Bound
South Pole Bound

South Pole Bound

QIC:Hogs Breath
PAX:Water Pick, Hammer, Bushwacker, Shooter

Q: Hogs Breath

This was the [Louisiana] VQ of Hogs Breath. The wind was whipping and the 51* sure felt like we were heading to the South Pole! Trying to pull history into the Q, Hogs Breath found out that on 14 Dec 1911 Ronald Amundsen and four men reached the South Pole. Water Pick arrived to confusion finding that Hogs Breath had already planted a shovel flag!



10 Mount Man Poopers, 10 Arm Circles (in all directions), 10 Hairy Rockettes, Alligator Merkins across the basket ball court.


Grabbing coupons we began our “restrictor plate march” aka an Indian run while we carried cinder blocks. The pax began a brisk walk toward the lakefront, while the six would sprint to the front, utilizing a variety of different holds with the block. Shout out to Hammer who complited the March, only two days after a vasectomy!!!! The march still allowed for much mummblechatter on the way!

Once we arrived at the lakefront, starring at an ominous rising sun, we circled up to continue our South pole inspire beat down. We did a 5×5 of:

S- squats

O- one arm merkins

U- up right rows

T- thrusters

H- Hydrohalic squats

After each round we took a 10 second countdown in a rotating fashion.

Then… We had to return back to the flag. Continuing our restrictor plate march.

Upon arriving the Q had a brainfart and though we had an extra 15 mins instead of our 6 mins. Luckily Bushwacker corrected him and we rounded out with 6 MoM;

25 SSH

Gas Pumps

Big Boy Sit ups

Heels to heaven / leg lifts

And rounded it out to 100 100s

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT

Words of Wisdom: “Victory awaits him who has everything in order…luck we call it.

Defeat is definitely due for him who has neglected to take the necessary precaution…bad luck we call it.

Adventure is just bad planning”

Ronald Amundsen