Shark Week  – from Paradox
Shark Week – from Paradox

Shark Week – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Pooe, Enron, AB, HoneySuckle, Popeye, WetTap, Cuz

YHC usually has beatdowns loosely formed a few days in advance. But occasionally inspiration will strike so violently that the whole plan needs to be scrapped at the 11th hour. This was the case Monday night when, looking for a “it’s behind me “ hype gif , I came across LLCoolJ from Deep Blue Sea (high on the “influenced my pre teen years movie list” )
He looked in my eyes through a foggy , heavily cracked IPhone screen and spoke right to me.
“They need Shark Week Dox , search your heart, they aren’t ready, it’s your job to prepare them”

All at once, I knew it was true.
These men are headed to beaches with their families for the next 2-3 months and I can’t send them into battle without conditioning.

Say no more Mr Cool James, I’ll take care of the rest.

Duke! Get out of the water and roll the footage!

9 strong at the Stage.
We did all the favorite warmers a d YHC was downright scared at the amount of groans coming from attendees of Mondays Wet Tap massacre. Hope they wouldn’t need legs today … headed off to the deep blue sea in an Indian run 3 burp drop.

Thang 1

We would stop for 3 rounds of shark related trivia.
Simple rules.
Start with 125 reps
Take 25 off for every correct answer .

Shark trivia
1. deep blue sea —-what shark species—-mako
2. What disease are they trying to cure —-Alzheimer’s
3. Director of DBS had one previous financial success in 1993. —Cliffhanger
4. Although he plays the cook , LL cool J character is known as (Blank) and stabs a shark in the eye with a (Blank). —-preacher/crucifix

Pretty shaky start here when YHC realized know had seen this movie in like 15 years.
75 merkin fast ball right out the gate.

General Shark Round
1.) Smallest shark species—dwarf lantern shark
2.) The term “jump the shark “ was first used to reference what tv show ? ——Happy Days
3.) Appearing in the first episode of Saturday night live , this actor played a recurring character , the land shark ——Chevy Chase
4.) what Hyundai coup got its name from the Spanish word for shark —-Tiburon

Much better showing here in round 2 as the trivia titans began to stretch their brains. Could have been the acute danger of 125 monkey jumpers signaling a storm of epinephrine but regardless the count was reduced to 25.

Jaws Category

1Jaws based on novel of the same name by who ? (Peter Benchley)
2.) 2 men killed by sharks in this state inspired the book —-NJ
3.) name the species of shark killed that is mistaken for jaws ? Tiger
4. The character Quint is a survivor of what famed battleship? USS Indianapolis

50 Bobbie Hurleys and the legs were primed for Thang 2

Sharks and Guppies

1 shark starts w 15 burpees – then is free to chase

Guppies must complete 15 burpees spread out at 3 stations
If caught before completing the loop they pay 15 merkins

The shark must pay 5 burpees for every free guppy.

Round 1 Baby Shark
Round 2 Grandpa Shark

YHC made this game specifically with Honeysuckle and Pope in mind. Both with gazelle speed and wolf stamina they were in a good spot to sharpen some iron. Knowing pope would destroy most of us in the first round, the hope was to push near our limits of endurance in round 2.
This effect was devastating in the Nur round as the quads were screaming and the beekeeper ran most of us down in cold blood, hunting those who had snickered at his coupon crabwalk. Vengeance was his.

Indian run home looking for Lenny Bruce .

It wasn’t the end of the world and we didn’t feel fine either.

Animal from Granpa shark to baby shark.

Pope had true concerns that he would lose his cardio during summer camp. The collective eye roll from the pax was so severe no eye institute could repair it, not even an advanced one.

we wished him well in camp and YhC hopes the Animal is the only shirt in his suitcase.

COT and Goose prayed us out.

See you in the deep end,
