Running Against the Wind  – from Paradox
Running Against the Wind – from Paradox

Running Against the Wind – from Paradox

PAX:Lox, safety valve, Popeye, Goose, Pope, Enron, Honey Suckle,

9 strong at the den on a crisp first day of February. A fine month for running. YHC had three objectives today: Unravel an 80s album cover mystery, Camouflage running with a point system and continue to honor the life of service lived by Bishop Dorsonville.
The RCR hype train was at a full speed choo choo by Wednesday evening and now it was time to back up the chatter with some work.

Duke! Its Run Cajun Run month
Stop carb loading and roll the beautiful footage.

SSH- IW- toy soldiers – AC both ways

Noted that YHC, Valve and Ronnie were outnumberd 3-6 by the Built this Thibby enemy squadron today. With Honeysuckles 1000 mile stare after showing up on foot and Popeyes safety vest they are an intimidating bunch. Return of JV can only hope CVS runs out of knee braces and Metamucil soon. Cant wait to see how Darth Fartsack responds to this attack on his teammates.

Continued warm up…

YHC met Bishop Dorsonville at OLOPs this summer and along with sharing repeated jokes about Cardinals arm circles with him I was also drawn to how he made complete strangers comfortable with silly jokes. Still cracks me up thinking of it and that’s where we’ll begin this beatdown, with the power of humor to break the ice …or sore muscles.

I’m not sure if you guys grew up with a single hilarious trigger word in your childhood. But for YHC if there was a single noun that turned YHC and his siblings into cackling hyenas it was “commode”. Even now as a semi grown man of 35 years it makes me giggle. I can’t really explain why but just the mention of it , especially by some older prim and proper family member in polite context would set off such a riot that only threatened bodily harm could contain us. So on Tuesday Tuff when Goose and Popeye convinced YHC that there was an actual band called Depeche Mode it triggered YHCs 8 year old brain into snickering all day that it sounded like a really really fancy French toilet. Which brings us to today’s extended warmup. YHC had a song ready and requested the Artist, # of band members and meaning of the aforementioned artist . Goose saw this one coming a mile away and was ready and waiting to help the pax take 30 seconds of pain away by guessing Depeche Mode ( before a single note played ), AB deducted another 30 by correctly guessing 4 original band members. No luck on finding the meaning of this mysterious phrase but I hope today as you sit upon your commode and think about it , that your bowel movement is neither fashionable nor hurried.

– Depeche Mode
“just can’t get enough “

High Knees/Butt Kicks
Burpee on “Get enough”

We got enough.

-The Thang

With the knees high and and butts kicked we checked off objective #1.
YHC now switched gears into our main run event. Several of us today would likely attend or honor the celebration of life for Bishop Dorsonville. Even in his short time here quite a few of our pax had interactions or bonds with him that will last a lifetime. In prayer and reflection two major points stuck out to me that I wanted to highlight. Both points deal with the unknown variables that God may ask us to accept in His will.
Bishop couldn’t have known much about this little bayou community and even more unknown was how long he would be here. He dove into both with unrelenting service until he was called home.

So to honor the act of service with unknown variables YHC built a run course with 4 options.
The exercise at the station and the time of rounds would be a mystery.
You can complete any station as many times as you want or not at all.

The Stations:
(Measured via strava)

#1 1/8th mile – 1 point
to top of reservoir and back – bearcrawl to top, 10 Bonnie Blair’s , bearcrawl to the bottom

#2 1/4 mile – 1 lap around auditorium , at cone complete 10 no cheat merkins , run back

#3 1/3 mile – to bball court
15 star jumps at cone
-cone flip option, 5 tries and if you land it you can skip the star jumps. Miss and you double the reps.

#4 1/2 mile
Far side of reservoir and complete the loop. 15 Jillian Michaels
-optional dice roll to reduce your Reps or increase (5-30 on dice)

Complete all 4 – (3 point bonus)

YHC added distraction options at station 3-4 to highlight that even when Gods plan for us is clear there will always be other paths that look easy or even fruitful. Some may even utilize our natural talents and through prayer may be useful. I left it to the pax to choose wisely.

Round 1 – Solo (12 minutes)
– YHC loved watching AB and Goose pick the course apart. These guys are bloodhounds for the most efficient points in a game.
– Several pax took the honorable path at completing all 4 distances but Jillian Michael was not a fan favorite.
– In the end Pope got some after the whistle credit and edged out AB 19-16. Pope gave us a respectable 20 lunges and we thanked him.

Round 2 – (10 min)
split into teams but 1 pax must stay at home base doing SSH at all times (swaps out)

-the secret was now out that station 3 was the best run for your money and both teams headed there in a wad of heavy breathing. The cone flipping didn’t get any easier and many star jumps were done .

Team 2 was the victor 40-36 and doled out 10 tempo merkins.

Thang Finale : 3 min 20 seconds
Bob Seger – Against the wind

YHC dialed up a little Bob Seger for some February run hype and after some discussion the pax decided correctly that it, just like awful British techno, had been released in 1980.
Random Ab exercises on song with leg raise on “against the wind”

Counting, Naming , Investing

Valve passed along the investment to the cone flipping savant AB who , dare I say it, wore it in a hurried fashion!


RCR – Log your miles

Swag is on link if you want to support the charities further.

Feb 17 It’s Only a Mile

Bunkhouse this Sunday
Text me if you want in or would like to provide a side or rolls. (Serve 30-50)
Leave from stage at 4:20
Back by 6:30ish

COT and Lox prayed us out

Men, I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead you and to be strengthened by your own examples of service.
