Runners, Stretchers, and Runners Who Became Stretchers – from Bolt
Runners, Stretchers, and Runners Who Became Stretchers – from Bolt

Runners, Stretchers, and Runners Who Became Stretchers – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Fracsac, Hokie, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Pai Gow, Pillsbury, Rougarou, Scantron, Triple Shift, Wedding Planner, Off Balance

After the Monday fartsack I decided to drop a comment in the Pontiff channel as a form of commitment to showing up today and upon rising I saw Pillsbury had made me accountable with a thumbs up emoji—no choice now; thank you, Pillsbury! As 530 struck, a dozen pax took to the track or the pavilion for their preferred version of the gloom—track sprints with Pai Gow or S&M with YHC. Triple and Mahatma split time between both. 45 minutes elapsed, then COT.