Run Cajun Run Mumblechatter, and Teethchatter – from Ballz Deep
Run Cajun Run Mumblechatter, and Teethchatter – from Ballz Deep

Run Cajun Run Mumblechatter, and Teethchatter – from Ballz Deep

QIC:Ballz Deep
PAX:Ballz Deep, Jose10k, Shooter, Steve

Another Thursday, another 5k. The saddle is starting to feel familiar again after the holiday hiatus. The usual suspects arrived at 5:15. Although we miss #The Hammer as he prepares for the Louisiana Marathon. He will return soon!

Jose 10k, Steve, Shooter, and I rounded out the group on this cold Thursday morning. Warmups were:
10 count Ass Grabbers
10 count side straddle hops
10 count arm circles, front/back
10 count windmills

An “Elevens” modification was used to honor 01-09 before the normal running route:
1 mountain climber, 9 merkins… 2 mtn climbers, 8 merkins, and so forth. 45 pushups total helped get the blood viscosity higher.
Mumblechatter included learning the great Run Cajun Run group names. Talked outdoor sports with Shooter. Talked the merits of deermeat burritos, how to justify buying a boat off love for fish tacos, why Adam Sandler never picked Steve for pickup basketball in LA, and how unlikely the Steelers are to beat the Ravens Saturday. #Shooter led the way on a double 3.8 mile loop around Hermitage Court. That, plus the “elevens” modification had us return with 2 minutes to spare. Run Cajun Run announcement, and COT to finish. Plenty of hearty mumblechatter to distract us from the teethchatter.