After a 4:45am distress beacon from the “Beast Master of Bear Crawls”, YHC was prepared to put forth his 2 cents into the round robin collection basket this gloom. Upon arriving to desolation, however, the possibility of a solo run on account of a drip drop or 2 seemed distinct. But a random shadow, that happened to be carrying an American flag, chased away any chance of that. As Shooter stepped into the light, Waterpik rolled up. And before we realized the mumble-chatter had taken us slightly over start time, Cowbell arrived to round out the PAX of scramblers.
Shooter started us off with x15 IC:
Toe Touches
Torso Twists
Lunge Walk to Pik’s car, and away we went!
As tends to happen on Thursday, the PAX paired off with YHC/Cowbell and Shooter/Waterpik.

When the PAX reassembled at the shovel flags, YHC lead us to the workout equipment where each man, 1 at a time, did a set of 10 pull ups, 10 knee ups, and 10 reverse leg lifts. Meanwhile, as the rest were doing there best Shooter (aka Sweat Angel) impression, they also did OYO 100 LBCs, 100 Freddy Mercurys then plank until all had finished their sets.
Cowbell wrapped it up by leading us in x20 IC:
Crunchy Frogs
Flutter Kicks
YHC prayed us out, as Waterpik prepared to send 2 of 5 off to dance camp, Cowebell endeavored to stare down Invest 91-L on a Florida fishing expedition, and Shooter, always being Shooter, helped an overheated and slightly dehydrated brother over to the water fountain.
We look forward to Bubba’s long awaited Q at the Lakefront saturday!