We stepped off with seven and finished with eight. Wait! Who is this we see but Out For Justice. After convincing us he knew it wasn’t Saturday, we stepped off. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Pax with rucks head straight to Foundry, those without run to Carrolton and then the Lil Foundry. Heard that Bubba???…the Lil Foundry….
We had six stations with the Flutter Kicks as the timer. Keep your rucks on if you can…except the Flutter Kicks.
Sta. 1. Flutter Kicks x 50 IC
Sta. 2. Merkins
Sta. 3. Squats
Sta. 4. Pull-ups
Sta. 5. Step ups with a ruck; box jumps without
Sta. 6. Dips
In the middle of our second circuit, Da Parrish showed up. Was he looking for us??? Was he on a run and stumbled upon our workout??? Who knows???!!! After two circuits it was “Play Time”…yep, Burpee Play. Drop your rucks if you have em, 15 burpees OYO. Feeling so, light…
Time for playing is over, Round 3. Halfway through round 3 we ran out of time, but not desire… Non-ruckers run around the museum and back to the flags…ruckers take us home…
Countoff, namerama, announcements, shoutouts, Ball of Man! See you in the Gloom!