It was the second day of Run Ranger Run and the PAX were motivated. 6 of us showed for an hour long run on this beautiful day.
We started with a run through the park to the fly and then looped back around to the front of the park. Then we ran through Tulane campus to Claiborne and then over to Audobon. Ran back through the campus one more time and made our way to the WPM garage. One lap up and down the garage and then back to the start.
My watch thought I went to TJ Quill’s for some reason… so the distance was off on my app. The general consensus is we did about 7 miles.
Angie, Flaming Lips and I ran to PJs on the Tulane after the workout for a small, freezing coffeeteria.
All-in-all a great run and a great kick-off to RRR.